
Pastoral Message


Dear Fathers, Brothers, Sisters and Friends,

I wish you all a very Season greetings.  May the Risen Lord bless you with Peace and Joy.  I pray that all of you are safe, and I wish that you protect yourself well from Covid – 19 infections.  May God protect us and the entire human family from this dangerous pandemic!

Handing over will be done by the outgoing Father to the incoming Father in the presence of the parish priest and priest headmaster/teacher in the first week of June 2020 (in case of any serious difficulty handing over can be completed latest before JUNE 15, 2020.  Please keep all audited accounts, documents, inventory, a job description chart, etc. ready for the handing over.  All dues should be cleared and the hostel passbook should be changed into double signatory (signatures of hostel in-charge and parish priest).





Fr. Sunil Kerketta                   : 02 June

Fr. Thomas Hasda                   : 04 June

Fr. Subodh Kindo                   : 18 June

Fr. Alphonse Toppo                : 26 June

Fr. Joseph Dungdung              : 02 July

Bp. Niranjan Suaslsingh          : 20 July

Fr. Ignace Baa                         : 21 July

Fr. Suresh Kerketta                 : 30 July

Fr. Sushil Kerketta                  : 31 July

Fr. Noas Barla                         : 24 Aug

Fr. Sandeep Joseph Tirkey      : 25 Aug

Fr. Felix Lakra                        : 03 Sep.

Fr. Paul Roshan Soy               : 06 Sep.

Fr. Sylbanus Dungdung          : 09 Sep.

Fr. Charles C. Topno               : 11 Sep.

Fr. Johny Antony                    : 12 Sep.

Fr. Bipin Tete                          : 13 Sep.

Fr. Bartholomeu Bilung          : 14 Sep.

Fr. Rupus Kiro                        : 14 Sep.

Fr. John Dungdung                 : 19 Sep.

Bp. Lucas Kerketta, SVD       : 20 Sep.

Fr. Anil Kumar Kujur             : 20 Sep.

Fr. Nabin Kerketta                  : 25 Sep.

Fr. Urbanus Daraiburu            : 09 Oct.

Fr. Paul Mathew                     : 13 Oct.

Fr. Sarat Kumar Lakra            : 14 Oct.         

Fr. S. Mariasusai                     : 19 Oct.         

Fr. Cornelius Baa                    : 21 Oct.         

Fr. Ranjit Samir Baa               : 04 Nov.

Fr. Sylas Kerketta                   : 10 Nov.

Fr. Michael Orea                     : 21 Nov.        

Fr. Sanjay Minz                       : 30 Nov.

Priestly Ordination

Bp. Lucas Kerketta, SVD       : 25 Oct.

Fr. Jugal Kishore Horo            : 04 Nov.        

Fr. George Soreng                   : 07 Nov.        

Fr. Paul Roshan Soy               : 13 Nov.

Fr. Anil Kumar Kujur             : 15 Nov.

Fr. Paul Adapoor                    : 20 Nov.

On behalf of the diocese we wish you dear fathers a very “Happy Birthday and Hearty Congratulations”. May God bless you!

Prayerful wishes to all.

Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary,


+ Niranjan Sualsingh

   Bishop of Sambalpur